Cinnamon Tonkinese in Australia
a timeline
August 2011
First sighting of fawn Abysinnian - initiating subsequent research into the colours Cinnamon & Fawn.
October 5th 2011
Initial contact with Jenny Lovering (Angistri Tonkinese NZ)
May 19th 2012
Importation of first Cinnamon Tonkinese in Australia - Angisti Blaze of Anniesong from NZ (aged 5 months)
February 3rd 2013
Birth of first Cinnamon litter born in Australia (producing 2 kittens; a female Bajimbi Cinnamon Tsunami & a male Bajimbi Cinnamon Royale) - bred by Bambi Edwards (Bajimbi). The boy was sent to Western Australia - Penny Van Kampen (Tonkadelic) to establish the Cinnamon colour there.
March 6th 2013
Birth of first litter from Angistri Blaze of Anniesong bred to Anniesong Storm (2 kittens) resulting in our first Cinnamon carrier Stud boy (Anniesong Saxon)
May -17th 2013
Flight to Sydney to collect ‘Tsunami’ - Her arrival at Anniesong as the first female Cinnamon in Australia – creating the first Cinnamon Tonkinese pair in Australia
July 28th 2013
Birth of Anniesong Oracia (Cinnamon carrier) from Angistri Blaze and Anniesong Avalon
Feb 1st 2014
Importation of Cinnamon Mink queen (Rafoej Kandi Cinnamon Kisses) from NZ by Heather Redmond (Tinkatonks) - establishing Kandi as the first Cinnamon Tonkinese in Victoria.
August 3rd 2014
Importation of the stunning Angistri Leia from NZ aged 5 months
August 25th 2014
Birth of first litter from Anniesong Saxon & Tsunami – resulting in 6 kittens - ie; 3 fawns, 2 lilacs and 1 chocolate (2 fawn-minks, Anniesong Floyd & Anniesong Phoebe retained) establishing these as the first Fawn Tonkinese in Australia
February 6th. 2015
Birth of Tsunami’s second litter, bred to Blaze - 4 kittens born - 2 x Cinnamon Mink Girls, 1 x Fawn-Point girl & 1 Fawn-Point Boy
March 6th. 2015
Birth of Leia’s first litter, bred to Anniesong Saxon - resulting in 4 kittens born - (2 Cinnamon + 2 Chocolate)
March 22 / 2015
Arrival of Malu Wildsong at Anniesong - a stunning Cinnamon Siamese girl, bred by Lynda Roper (Malu Siamese) aka 'Twigs' is destined be bred to a Cinnamon Burmese to create a new Cinnamon line.